Annual reports
Profit and loss statements
Income statements
Tax returns
Financial statements
Balance sheets
User interface financial services websites
Profit and loss accounts
Currency exchange trader website
Marketing plans
Bankruptcy petitions and discharges
Annual accounts
User interface financial software
Fund performance reports
Financial records
Insurance claims
Mergers & acquisitions prospectuses
Loan agreements
Website financial consultants
Investor newsletters
Franchise agreement
Articles of incorporation mutual funds
Business plans
Corporate minutes
Bank guarantees
Shareholders agreements
Director’s solvency statements
Cash flow statements
Insurance policies
Auditor’s reports
Private and public offerings
Bankruptcy filings
and more
1. Certified financial auditor – an academic level study – a couple of years at the NIVRA, the institute for certified financial auditors (in Dutch: Nederlands Instituut voor Register Accountants), in the Netherlands.
2. NIMA-A marketing course (two years), which is the main basic professional marketing education in the Netherlands.
1. Travel industry (tour operator, sales, reservations, guest host, car rentals)
2. Financial services (accounting, financial audits)
3. Horticulture (business owner import and nursery of seedlings and ornamental plants)
4. Water and power distribution (project manager document management at electric power and natural gas and water utilities)
5. Document, records and archives management (automation, project lead, department head, retention scheduling)
6. Facility management (department head for building and installations management, software localization in charge of internationalization and localization of CAFM software in 8 languages on various platforms)
7. Information Technology (project management, software QA, internationalization and localization)
8. Real estate sales (independent realtor)
9. Food & beverage (staff at a hotel-restaurant)
10. Antiques & collectibles (sourcing, e-commerce)
11. Online retail (owner online business with staff and contractors)
1. Lawyers (civil, immigration, corporate, intellectual property [patents, royalties], criminal, aviation, occupational health, product safety, labor, constitutional)
2. Horticulture (horticultural machine manufacturers and rentals, nurseries)
3. Agriculture (seed biotech, agricultural machinery sales and machine rentals)
4. Consumer electronics (mobile radios, cell phones)
5. Aviation (air cargo)
6. Human health care (researchers, medical device companies, physicians, health insurance companies, patients)
7. Information technology (software developers, IT departments. e-commerce marketeers, software security services)
8. Real estate brokers
9. Supermarkets
10. Car rentals (car rental companies)
11. Solar, CHP and wind energy installations (distributors)
12. Travel industry (travel organizations, camping travel companies, vacation home rentals)
13. Construction (builders, contractors)
14. Restaurants
15. Road transportation (trucking and companies, logistics companies, hazmat software developers)
16. Air transportation (air cargo companies)
17. (Certified public) accountants
18. Tourism (memorial tourism agencies, loyalty programs, vacation home rentals, camping sites)
19. Law enforcement (tax authorities)
20. Financial services (banks, payment processors)
21. Insurers
22. Railways
23. Mergers & Acquisitions Consultants
24. Mutual funds
25. Loyalty card services
Language pairs: DE/NL/FR/EN (US) to EN (US/GB)/NL
– Balance sheets for fashion company
– Profit and Loss (P&L) for fashion company
– Mergers & Acquisitions brochure in fashion industry
– Financial overview for joint venture fashion company
– Major international financial loan agreement in solar power plant energy sector –
11,000 words
– Banks and payment processors websites – 30,000+ words
– Mortgage loan related documents – 6,100 words
– Corporate tax returns and VAT Tax assessments
– Annual report of mutual fund company – 6,700 words
– Multi-billion dollar claim by bankruptcy trustee against owners of financial corporation