1. Travel industry (tour operator, sales, reservations, guest host, guide, car rentals, road side assistance)
2. Financial services (accounting, financial audits)
3. Agriculture (agricultural machinery, orchards, irrigation systems factory, poultry farming)
4. Horticulture (ornamental plants nursery, import seedlings and plants, senior staff and business owner)
5. Animal husbandry (poultry farming – turkey and chicken farm)
6. Water and power distribution (electric, natural gas and water utilities)
7. Document, records and archives management (automation, project lead, department head, retention scheduling)
8. Facility management (building and installation management, software QA, internationalization and localization)
9. Information Technology (project management, software QA, internationalization and localization)
10. Real estate sales (residential real estate)
11. Construction (carpentry, demolition, project management)
12. Food & beverage (restaurants, liquor & wine store)
13. Antiques & collectibles (sourcing, e-commerce)
14. Online retail (own full time business with staff and contractors)
1. Lawyers (civil and common law, immigration, asylum, corporate, intellectual property [patents, royalties], criminal law, aviation, railway, occupational health, product safety, labor law, constitutional law)
2. Horticulture (horticultural machine manufacturers and rentals, nurseries, pesticides)
3. Agriculture (seed biotech, agricultural machinery sales and machine rentals, pesticides, herbicides)
4. Consumer electronics (mobile radio’s, cell phones, soda machines. medical devices)
5. Automobiles (OEM parts distribution, repair, car rentals, road side assitance)
6. Aviation (air cargo, avionics, drones)
7. Human health care (researchers, medical device companies, physicians, health insurance companies, patients
8. Veterinary medicine
9. Marketing
10. Information technology (software developers, IT departments. e-commerce marketeers, software security services)
11. Industrial machine manufacturers
12. Chemicals industry
13. Professional tools manufacturers
14. Real estate brokers
15. Supermarkets
16. Ferry companies
17. Car rentals (car rental software developers, car rental companies)
18. Solar, CHP and wind energy installations (manufacturers, distributors)
19. Travel industry (travel organizations, camping travel companies, vacation home rentals, time share companies)
20. Construction (builders, contractors)
21. Organic foods retailers
22. Restaurants
23. Fashion
24. Cosmetics
25. Road transportation (trucking companies, logistics companies, hazmat software developers)
26. Air transportation (air cargo transportation)
27. (Certified public) accountants
28. Tourism (memorial tourism agencies, loyalty programs, vacation home rentals, camping, time share companies)
29. Fiction writing (authors)
30. Law enforcement (police, tax authorities)
31. Financial services (banks, payment processors)
32. Steel manufacturers
33. Shoe manufacturers
34. Insurers (consumer policies, health care insurers, corporate policies)
35. Animal husbandry (feed manufacturing)
36. Publishing (printing companies, publishers)
37. Wine whole-sellers